Nine Teams
Nine Implementation Teams were created to help implement the recommendations of the 21st Century Commission and to broaden its engagement of the community college field and other key constituents. The teams, comprised of community college experts/former commissioners, worked to evaluate progress made toward implementing the report nationally and to uncover any specific challenges experienced by AACC constituencies. The Nine Implementation Teams are:
- IT#1: Community College Completion Commitment
- IT#2: Re-Imagining Pathways for Students
- IT#3: Community College/K-12 Collaboration for College Readiness
- IT#4: Developmental Education Redesign–Resources for Community Colleges
- IT#5: Closing the Skills Gap
- IT#6: Policy and Advocacy Agenda for Reclaiming the American Dream
- IT#7: Redefining Institutional Roles and Functions
- IT#8: Accountability
- IT#9: Faculty Engagement and Leadership Development
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee will generally oversee the implementation of recommendations set forth in the report of the 21st Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges, as the implementation pertains to work in the community college field and with partners in other educational sectors, federal and state policy leaders, philanthropy, and the employer community. View the Steering Committee Roster.
Primary tasks are:
- Coordinate the work of the various implementation teams charged with specific tasks.
- Determine how progress on the implementation and impact of the Commission report will be assessed and reported to the community college field.
- Develop an annual progress report for submission to the President/CEO of AACC, addressing each of the recommendations set forth in the Commission report.
- Based on progress achieved, submit recommendations to the President/CEO of AACC as to whether additional or follow-up implementation teams should be appointed to accomplish specific implementation tasks.
- Recommend functions and information resources to be incorporated in AACC’s 21st Century Center.
Note: The Steering Committee’s role specifically does not extend to the recommendation of organizational strategy for the American Association of Community Colleges, which is rather within the purview of AACC leadership and its Board of Directors.
AACC launched a campaign to promote the 21st Century Commission Report employing traditional and new media to reach the nation’s 1200 community colleges and AACC affiliated councils, government, philanthropy, business and industry, and other stakeholders.