‘We’re all in this together’
By AACC 21st Century Center Staff
March 17, 2020
Shared resources to help in an emergency.
Though community colleges have emergency management plans, the coronavirus outbreak has been unprecedented. The pandemic has not just affected a few colleges, but every institution in the United States. In addition, the situation is evolving almost hourly.
Sharing practices, plans and policies amongst colleges can provide new insights that could help not only with this current crisis, but with planning for future emergencies.
An online document from 25th Hour Communications provides some planning questions for colleges to consider across departments and also messages for different communications platforms and for different audiences. Some of the information is currently being used by community colleges.
“We’re all in this together,” the document says. 25th Hour will update the document as more information becomes available.
A draft communications plan allows colleges to tailor it to their specific community. It includes not just information about how courses will proceed or what will be open on campus, but also how students, staff and faculty can protect themselves and stay healthy, with information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Check out the Coronavirus Toolbox here.
The National Council on Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR), an AACC affiliated council, also has a list of examples of how colleges are communicating with their communities. They are available here.