Flexible learning during rapid change
By AACC 21st Century Center Staff
November 5, 2020
AACC is moving into its second century and offering up flexible professional development for changing times.
The American Association of Community Colleges’ annual convention typically draws in more than 2,000 people for in-person learning and networking. Due to the global pandemic, 2021’s convention will look a little different.
AACC will offer two options for members:
AACC Live will be offered in-person April 11–14 in Nashville, Tennessee, for individuals comfortable with traveling during the pandemic.
AACC Digital is a digital conference scheduled each Thursday during May 2021. AACC Digital has been designed to meet the professional development needs of those individuals not yet comfortable with traveling and convening face-to-face.
Get involved
AACC has opened its Call for Proposals for both AACC Live and AACC Digital.
AACC Live consists of half-day and full-day workshops. We are looking for submissions from institutions that have implemented an evidence-based strategy that advances a workshop topic. Topics are:
- Closing Equity and Achievement Gaps
- Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Community Colleges
- Collaborating for Student Success
- Effective Teaching and Learning (Including Online)
- Community Colleges and the Workforce
The AACC Digital program is fully virtual, with a combination of 30-minute sessions, live chats with experts, exhibitor innovations, and new product showcases. Learn how to submit a proposal for AACC Digital here.
AACC’s award program is another way to get involved. Nominations are being accepted for the AACC Awards of Excellence, Outstanding Alumni Awards and the Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition.
Nominations for the AACC Awards of Excellence can be submitted in six categories: Advancing Diversity, Community College Safety Planning and Leadership, Exemplary CEO/Board, Faculty Innovation, Outstanding College/Corporate Partnership and Student Success. The winners of the AACC Awards of Excellence will be announced at the Awards of Excellence Virtual Gala during AACC Digital. Nominations due December 31, 5:00 p.m. (ET).
The AACC Outstanding Alumni Awards also will be presented during AACC Digital. Nominations are due November 30, 5:00 p.m. (ET).
And the AACC Dale P. Parnell Faculty Distinction Recognition nominations are due December 31, 5:00 p.m. (ET). AACC will accept one faculty nominee from each member college.
Learn more about the convention here and stay tuned for information about registration.