Expanding interest in the humanities
By Barbara Shelly
July 24, 2019
Collaborations among community colleges and four-year institutions are underway nationwide to bring liberal arts and humanities education to students.
“Jazz and the Music of the African Diaspora” is a popular class at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) this summer. Same with “The Politics of Food.”
The courses are part of a residential five-week summer academy for community college transfer students who are committed to pursuing humanities majors at UCSD. Offered at no cost to students, the academy is one piece of a larger collaboration between the public research university and the San Diego Community College District. The goal is for the 33 academy students to graduate in a couple of years with bachelor’s degrees in arts and humanities fields.
Similar efforts are taking place across the country, as university leaders are tapping into robust interest among community college students in humanities studies, even as the push for technical degrees accelerates and some politicians and others question the value of liberal arts majors.
“We fight the culture that says the humanities aren’t important,” said Andrew Rusnak, an English professor at the Community College of Baltimore County and executive director of the Community College Humanities Association.
An increase in degrees
Recent research suggests that community college students as a group haven’t bought into that narrative. The number of associate degrees awarded in humanities and liberal arts fields nationwide nearly doubled — from 218,000 to 410,000 — between 2000 and 2015, according to findings released in June by the Community College Research Center.
Humanities and liberal arts accounted for 41 percent of associate degrees awarded in 2015. That’s a 3 percent increase since 2000, and it helped to offset a decline in the share of bachelor’s degrees awarded in those fields over the 15-year period — from 17 percent to 13 percent.
“Community college transfer students are an important group of humanities and liberal arts students,” the report’s authors wrote. “It is critical to determine if these students are prepared for humanities and liberal arts coursework at four-year colleges.”
Community ties
To that end, several collaborations among community colleges and four-year institutions are underway nationwide. Some of the most vigorous are benefitting from a funding initiative by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
One Mellon partnership exists in Cleveland, where Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) has teamed up with Case Western Reserve University to form the Cleveland Humanities Collaborative. The collaborative seeks to identify strong humanities students at the community college level and support them as they acquire their associate degrees and adjust to the very different landscape at Case Western Reserve, a selective, private research university. It focuses on mentoring, strengthening faculty interactions and supporting humanities in the Cleveland region.
“It’s actually not all that hard to convince students to go into the humanities,” said Michael Schoop, a Tri-C vice president who is a point person for the collaborative.
Community college students tend to be deeply invested in their communities and life stories, Schoop said. “The humanities disciplines lend themselves to community and identity and storytelling,” he said.
Tri-C graduates, who often are students of color and the first in their families to enroll in college, bring a valuable perspective to Case Western Reserve, said Kurt Koenigsberger, associate dean of the university’s College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Cleveland Humanities Collaborative (CHC).
“Our faculty loves our CHC students,” he said. “Most of them have lived most of their lives in Cleveland. They know and understand the community.”
Employer support
Employers are emerging as some of the strongest allies for humanities studies.
“You see a lot of corporations becoming more committed to their social reputations. They’re looking to tap into humanities majors,” said Krystal Huff, program manager of PATH.
As a first-generation student of color, Huff said she faced a lot of questions when she majored in women’s studies and African-American studies as an undergraduate. But those courses created a foundation for her to obtain gratifying work and eventually obtain her doctorate in education leadership.
“What’s so amazing about the arts and humanities is the critical thinking and skills that come with taking these classes,” Huff said. “Employers love that. We know students need to be well-rounded now if they want to find work right after school.”
There’s more to the story! Read the full article in CC Daily.