Leaders and Training > Non-Degree Leadership
Non-degree leadership programs focus on developing future college presidents through intensive training in a condensed period of time.
For Trustees
Community college governing boards have an inherent and ongoing responsibility to their institutions, communities and students to actively build their competencies and to practice effective governance.
ACCT’s Community College Governance Recognition Program. Provides education and training opportunities to trustees. Customizable, blended program of study that provides specialized training in governance practices and information about new developments in community colleges, student success, and the field of education.
New and Experienced Trustees Governance Leadership Institute. A three-day institute that addresses boardmanship, emerging issues in higher education, and additional related topics.
For Aspiring Presidents
Executive Leadership Institute (ELI). The Executive Leadership Institute (ELI) provides the opportunity for potential community college presidents, or those in transition, to analyze their abilities, reflect on their interests, refine their skills, and engage in leadership discussions with an unparalleled faculty of community college leaders. ELI is sponsored by the League for Innovation in the Community College in cooperation with The University of Texas at Austin and the American Association of Community Colleges.
Harvard Seminar for New Presidents. The Harvard Seminar for New Presidents provides new presidents with a practical and conceptual orientation to the presidency. It familiarizes new presidents with the opportunities and hazards they will likely face and prepares them to respond to the multiple responsibilities and constituencies of their new role. The sponsor for the Harvard Seminar for New Presidents is the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership. The Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership is a national professional development activity that provides a personal and professional development experience for selected individuals who have demonstrated potential for expanded leadership roles in their current or future responsibilities within community colleges. Participants develop and strengthen leadership competencies through participation in the Institute. The Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership is sponsored by The Presidents’ Round Table, an affiliate of the National Council on Black American Affairs.
For Senior-Level and Mid-Managers
The AACC John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute (or Roueche – FLI). The American Association of Community Colleges’ John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute is a five-day leadership seminar designed to help mid-level community college administrators to move into a higher level of leadership.
Academic Chairpersons Conference. The Academic Chairpersons Conference is an annual forum where academic chairpersons, administrators, and faculty from all areas of higher education share the most successful, innovative ideas and strategies to assist each other in becoming more effective in their positions. The emphasis of every conference is to provide practical, usable information in a climate of open discussion and collaborative exchange. The Conference sponsor is Kansas State University.
Academy for Leadership and Development. The Academy for Leadership and Development, hereafter referred to as the Academy, offers opportunities to acquire and understand major research and theoretical developments in leadership. Participants have opportunities to develop proficiency in selecting, integrating, and applying appropriate concepts from social and behavioral science and adult education in formulating and implementing approaches to leadership problems and issues. The sponsor for the Leadership Academy is The Chair Academy.
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT). Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT) engages participants to learn about the foundations of Appreciative Inquiry as well as the skills to facilitate inquiry sessions. At the end of this intensive training, participants will understand how to guide organizations, groups, and communities to consciously and deliberately shift their collective way of being and seeing to an appreciative approach, that will help them focus on what’s right in their organization, group or community, rather than on what’s wrong. The sponsor for this program is the Center for Appreciative Inquiry in collaboration with the Company of Experts.
Certificate in Workforce Development. Workforce Development is an essential component in creating, sustaining, and retaining a viable workforce. Through workforce development, communities are able to create social and economic prosperity. The Certificate in Workforce Development prepares workforce development professionals by: exploring the necessary competencies and providing opportunities to hone those abilities; Assessing strengths and weaknesses and developing an action plan for skill enhancement where necessary; providing a framework to apply the competencies in current work settings and job responsibilities. The sponsor for this program is the University of Virginia – School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Department Chairs Institute. The Department Chairs Institute (DCI) represents a partnership between the Leadership, Policy, and Adult and Higher Education Department (LPAHE) at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS). Designed to build the skills of front-line academic administrators in the 58 community colleges, this program is focused on individuals who have recently entered administrative supervisory ranks. These individuals are typically selected from the faculty ranks and have little experience and training for their responsibilities. The program is one of several outreach efforts in the Department, which places special emphasis on serving the state’s community colleges. The Institute’s sponsor is North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Community College System.
Institute for Educational Management (IEM). The Institute for Educational Management is an intensive, “total immersion” experience that provides a rare opportunity to assess your leadership skills, renew your commitment to higher education and develop tangible strategies for long-term institutional success. The Institute is sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (MLE). MLE is designed for experienced administrators who are responsible for thinking strategically about their institutions’ change agendas. They will learn to understand what aspects of their institutional mission and culture are critical to future success and how to close the gap between their best intentions and what they are actually able to accomplish. The Institute also serves as a valuable opportunity for mid-career professional assessment and renewal. Participants will be able to reflect on their own leadership strengths and weaknesses with Harvard faculty and accomplished colleagues from across the country and around the world. The Institute is sponsored by the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
The Leadership Development Institute for African American Midlevel Administrators. The institute, named after Dr. Carolyn Grubbs Williams, prepares African Americans in community colleges for leadership roles to insure that the pipeline to executive-level positions is fluid. The National Council on Black American Affairs (NCBAA) is committed to delivering an exemplary leadership development program for African Americans in community colleges so as to enhance their leadership skills and provide opportunities for professional and personal growth. The Institute is sponsored by the National Council on Black American Affairs.
The Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development Studies. The program is designed to provide emerging and existing leaders the opportunity to explore the concept of leadership and to develop and improve their leadership skills. The course integrates readings from the humanities, experiential exercises, films, and contemporary readings on leadership. The curriculum combines the study of great leaders portrayed in the humanities by writers, historians and film-makers from ancient times to modern-day. These carefully chosen works show the passion, engagement, skill and philosophies of many types of leaders and the curriculum encourages personal reflection and the development of a personal philosophy of leadership. This Program is sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa.
Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians. The Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians provides the tools and insight needed to improve your leadership effectiveness and helps your library respond to a rapidly shifting landscape. It is designed for those who must think strategically about emerging student and faculty needs, changing expectations of library staff, new technologies and long-range plans for the library. The curriculum will deepen your insights and broaden your repertoire of useful approaches to leadership. It will also provide a valuable opportunity for participants to assess their own leadership strengths and weaknesses in a supportive and engaging learning environment. The sponsor of the Institute is the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Management Development Program (MDP). The Management Development Program prepares you to become a better leader of your unit, department or college, as well as a more valuable contributor to broader institutional goals. Through real-world case studies, small group discussions and interactive presentations, MDP teaches you to think beyond your own discipline and lead in ways that support larger institutional objectives. You will gain a deeper understanding of how different units function and will be able to incorporate broader strategic considerations into your management decisions. MDP provides the tools and insight to think more strategically, balance the competing demands of colleagues and spend more time providing forward-thinking leadership. The Program sponsor is the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
National Community College Hispanic Council (NCCHC) Leadership Fellows Program. NCCHC’s mission includes preparation and support of Hispanic leaders in America’s community colleges, to the ultimate benefit of our students. One of NCCHC’s first ventures was to offer a leadership development program, with support from the Ford Foundation. More than 20 of the 72 original Fellows are now or have been community college presidents, and many others have moved to positions of increased responsibility as upper-level administrators. The NCCHC, an affiliated council of AACC, is committed to delivering a high quality leadership development experience that provides Hispanics with an opportunity to continue their professional growth.
Community College Resource Development Boot Camp. Formerly called the Community College Resource Development Specialist Training, the two-week program immerses participants in a rigorous experience in resource development operations, organization, and issues at a model campus, as well as exploration of funding opportunities for two-year colleges from public and private sources. Interns will increase knowledge and expertise in private funding vehicles, acquire expertise in proposal writing and grants management, and identify funding sources appropriate to their colleges. The program focuses on the value of a comprehensive resource development program which integrates and leverages public, private and partnership funding opportunities. The Boot Camp sponsor is the Council for Resource Development.
Strategic Horizon Program. The Strategic Horizon Program is an organizational and leader development program coordinated by the Center for Community College Development. It is described by starting with the concept of a strategic horizon as the most favorable position a college can attain in a regional market through development of strategic capabilities, identification and pursuit of opportunities and delivery of maximum value to students and stakeholders. The sponsor for this Program is the Center for Community College Development.
Kaleidoscope Leadership Institute. Kaleidoscope is a unique national leadership development program designed primarily for women of color in higher education. The Institute facilitates the development of leadership skills, cross-cultural understanding, career focus, networking skills, and personal skills. It explores issues in higher education and analyzes barriers for different cultural groups while providing guidance regarding personal and professional goals. The Kaleidoscope Leadership Institute is sponsored in collaboration with Orange Coast College Community Education.
American Association for Women in Community Colleges (AAWCC) LEADERS Institute. The LEADERS Institute provides a leadership development opportunity for women in community colleges through a five-day experiential workshop with a curriculum based on AACC Competencies for Leadership. The Institute is designed to support the development of leadership skills and qualities at every level in community college administration and education. This Institute is sponsored by AAWCC, an affiliated council of AACC.
Leadership Institute for a New Century (LINC). LINC provides a focus on personal development as preparation for women, people of color, and men in leadership, promoting opportunities for advancement into administrative leadership roles in Iowa’s community colleges. The Institute’s seminars are designed to enhance abilities in a) communication and analysis of state/local governance and funding; b) examining interactions of the president with internal and external constituencies; c) understanding the theoretical and practical organizational dynamics; and d) improving management and communication skills. Graduate credit is available. LINC is sponsored by Iowa State University Higher Education Program.
Community College Leadership Initiative Consortium (CLIC). CLIC is designed to promote growth and further development of administrative skills in current and future Vice Presidents, Provosts, Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs. The emphasis is on the latest advancements in management and supervision, current issues in the community college system, and networking opportunities to enhance communications between educational institutions. Graduate credit is available and the program meets State of Iowa certification for administrator evaluator approval. CLIC is sponsored by Iowa State University’s Community College Leadership Program.
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