21st Century Commission

The 21st Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges is charged with comprehensively examining the challenges and opportunities facing the fasting-growing sector of higher education. Its membership include representatives from an array of constituencies and expertise from education, business, policy and communications.


Walter G. Bumphus, President and CEO
American Association of Community Colleges

Program Manager

Sarah Cale-Henson, Program Manager
21st Century Initiative


Augustine P. Gallego, Chancellor Emeritus
San Diego Community College District (CA)

Kay M. McClenney, Director
Center for Community College Student Engagement
The University of Texas at Austin

Jerry Sue Thornton, President
Cuyahoga Community College (OH)


J. Noah Brown, President and CEO
Association of Community College Trustees

Kenneth P. Burke, Trustee
St. Petersburg College (FL)

Gerardo E. de los Santos, President and CEO
League for Innovation in the Community College

Myrtle E. B. Dorsey, Chancellor
St. Louis Community College (MO)

Peter T. Ewell, Vice President
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems

Bernadine Chuck Fong, Senior Managing Partner
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

Marie Foster Gnage, President
West Virginia University, Parkersburg

Allen Goben, President
Heartland Community College (IL)

Kati Haycock, President
Education Trust

Curtis Ivery, Chancellor
Wayne County Communty College District (MI)

Alex Johnson, President
Community College of Allegheny County (PA)

Christine Johnson, Chancellor
Community Colleges of Spokane (WA)

Dwight D. Jones, Superintendent
Clark County School District (NV)

Jane A. Karas, President
Flathead Valley Community College (MT)

William “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor
University System of Maryland

Jennifer Lara, Professor
Anne Arundel Community College (MD)

Paul E. Lingenfelter, President
State Higher Education Executive Officers

Michael B. McCall, President
Kentucky Community and Technical College System

Mark David Milliron, Chancellor
Western Governors University (TX)

Eloy Oakley, Superintendent-President
Long Beach City College (CA)

Diana G. Oblinger, President and CEO

Daniel J. Phelan, President
Jackson Community College (MI)

DeRionne P. Pollard, President
Montgomery College (MD)

Richard M. Rhodes, President
Austin Community College (TX) As of Sept. 1, 2011

Rod A. Risley, Executive Director
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

John E. Roueche, Director, Community College Leadership Program
The University of Texas at Austin

James T. Ryan, Chairman, President and CEO
W.W. Grainger, Inc.

Randy Smith, President
Rural Community College Alliance

Mary F. T. Spilde, President
Lane Community College (OR)

John “Ski” Sygielski, President
Harrisburg Area Community College (PA)

Vincent Tinto, Distinguished University Professor, School of Education
Syracuse University (NY)

Philip Uri Treisman, Director, Charles A. Dana Center
The University of Texas at Austin

William Trueheart, President and CEO
Achieving the Dream, Inc.

Nancy L. Zimpher, Chancellor
The State University of New York