Leaders and Training Articles

Turning queries into published research

Research and publishing are no longer the exclusive domain of faculty and students at four-year universities. Just look at the College of Davidson and Davie Counties (DCCC) in North Carolina, which over the past academic year had the research of four instructors from different disciplines published. Often, ideas for research are rooted in local queries. […]

Good governance in a digital world

Governance has struggled to keep pace with today’s public education landscape. The world we live in is switched on, digital and decentralized. Cyberattacks can originate from anywhere in the world. Social media amplifies the voice of every citizen and staff member. In a world where nanoseconds count, old governance practices aren’t just out of date; […]

Stronger bonds and new services

Over three intense days during Mentor-Connect’s 2019 Technical Assistance and Grant Writing Workshop, faculty, administrators and grant writers on teams from 22 community colleges began as strangers — sometimes people from the same campus who barely knew each other prior — and emerged as colleagues who cheered for each others’ elevator speeches and divided the […]

Creating a cyber-secure campus

When it comes to protecting data on campus, the college president needs to set the tone, but ultimately, the entire campus community needs to be proactive in preventing cyber attacks. Community colleges need to take cybersecurity as seriously as they take physical security issues, says Lee Petry, director of the Workspace One SET Team, government, […]

Growing its own leaders

Rachel Benavides is getting a look behind the community college curtain. What she sees is an industry going through tectonic change. “In the past, community colleges have been more enrollment-based than outcome-based,” said Benavides, director of Del Mar College’s adult education and literacy program and a member of its inaugural Next Generation Leadership Academy (NGLA). […]

Cultivating diverse leaders

Community colleges are looking for a few good men — and women, and people of color and any well-qualified leader looking for a robust career in higher education. That was the message Walter Bumphus, president and CEO of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), conveyed at a meeting of college and university chief diversity […]

Leadership at every level

The third edition of the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders is now available and it’s more comprehensive than ever before. As more leaders retire, gaps are left throughout institutions as staff and faculty shift to fill different positions. That means everyone within an institution needs to be a leader, no matter their title. At […]

Training, testing are key to cybersecurity

It’s early evening, and you get an email from your college president saying she is at dinner with a potential donor and misplaced her credit card. You’re asked to pay for the bill electronically by clicking on a link in the email. But you notice the email didn’t come from the college’s system, but rather […]

Faculty diversity is a worthy goal

Community colleges tend to have the greatest diversity among their students than other types of higher education institutions, yet they still face challenges in attaining diversity among faculty. In California, for example, a report by the Campaign for College Opportunity found that while Hispanics compromise 44 percent of the student body in higher education, including […]

Recognizing faculty

Innovation happens every day in community college classrooms. The success of students is dependent on innovative, dedicated faculty. And the success of institutional initiatives is dependent on faculty. Recognizing those faculty members who make a difference every day is important. That’s why the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) created the Dale P. Parnell Faculty […]