
Guiding students to jobs

By AACC 21st Century Center Staff

Students in West Virginia will get more help connecting with employers.

Preparing people for the workforce is a specialty of community and technical colleges. Students often leave a college with the skills needed for successful employment. It’s just that last step – actually connecting with employers – that may require an extra boost.

West Virginia’s community and technical colleges, with partner WorkAmerica, are launching an “artificial-intelligence powered online platform” to help students and graduates find and obtain meaningful employment, according a press release from the Community and Technical College System (WVCTCS).

The platform will allow students to build professional online profiles and will connect them to a vast network of employers. Profile holders will receive job feeds that match their educational background, skills, industry credentials and experience. Current students can use the platform to connect with local internship and apprenticeship opportunities in advance of graduation.

Employers will be able recruit via email and instant messaging individuals with profiles matching the skills and qualifications they are looking for. And profile holders will be able to apply for positions they are interested in directly through the free app.

“Giving students access to these types of support services allows them to take control of their career paths as they seek job placements,” said WVCTCS Vice Chancellor Casey K. Sacks. “These tools will not only help them now, but in the future as they seek out career advancement by teaching students what skills to highlight to catch a potential employer’s eye.”

WorkAmerica will engage employers to gather information about workforce needs throughout the state, creating a better understanding of what jobs are available and the skills needed for those jobs. That will allow students and colleges to gear program choices toward the employment needs statewide.

AACC 21st Century Center Staff

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